Sunday, March 6, 2011

GPS Navigation Device

Global Positioning System (GPS) is a navigation device which determines the location of that device and honor of that device as well on Earth by using the signals from satellites in the space. GPS device provides the longitude, latitude and sometimes altitude of information, however the information from these devices are not too much accurate due some signal problem or any other factor but still it provides some near about information.
GPS devices are mostly used in Military, Marines, Aviation and consumer product applications.

These devices also have the additional capabilities like:
  • Containing maps, which may be displayed in human readable format via text or in a graphical format.
  • Providing suggested directions to a human in charge of a vehicle or vessel via text or speech.
  • Providing directions directly to autonomous vehicle such as a robotic probe.
  • Providing information on traffic conditions (either via historical or real time data) and suggesting alternative directions.
  • Providing information on nearby amenities such as restaurants, fueling stations, etc.
In simple words a GPS device is use to answer that Where i am? Which roads are available to me? Where is the nearest hospital, food stay, gas station etc.?
GPS is also available now-a-days in the cellphones, cars, radios, wrist watches and now even in the eye glasses.
GPS Software's of different renowned companies are also available for the use of Navigation System in your PC's and Laptop's as well.


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